3 easy ways to benefit from using QR codes at your events and conferences
/QR codes are a great tool that can help you manage your events and conferences.
Here are 3 easy ways to benefit from using QR codes at your events and conferences
QR Code ticket scanners streamline ticket check-in
1. QR Code tickets stream line ticket check-in at your events
QR code tickets are the easiest way to validate and check-in guests as they arrive at your event.
When your patrons register for your event or purchase tickets you can e-mail them a branded QR code ticket that can be printed at home or displayed on a smartphone screen when your guests arrive.
Using a wireless QR code ticket scanner you can scan the ticket QR code and automatically check-in the ticket against your electronic master ticket list. Using an electronic ticket list is the best way to ensure only valid ticket holders attend your event, and prevent duplicate and fraudulent tickets. Additionally you create alerts for VIP and other guest types, and send out follow up e-mails and surveys once your attendees arrive.
An electronic guest list gives you real-time event statistics such as rate of entry at your gates and total number of attendees on site. Using QR code tickets and scanners at your event provides you with vital information about your event that helps you make informed decisions and active operational plans for event.
Use QR code name badges to track attendance
2. QR Code name badges make attendance tracking easy
With QR code name badges you can simply scan your attendees’ name badges with a QR code scanner when they register on-site at your event.
Generating QR code name badges is easy with our QR code name badge software. Simply select a name badge design and generate your QR code name badges.
We supply the name badges in a PDF document so you can print and arrange your name badges before your event starts. During your event you can register walk up attendees and print name QR code name badges on site.
Scanning the name badge at registration will allow you to instantly get a list of who has arrived and who absent from you list of pre-registered attendees. Having an up to date list of attendees at your event allows you to better mange all aspects of your event that require an accurate head count, such as number of meals for catering, room sizes and capacities, meeting quorums, evening entertainment and events.
3. Use QR codes at your event to automate attendance certificates.
EASY QR Code certificates for seminar attendance
Using QR codes at your conference can automate the process of generating and e-mailing out attendance certificates for your seminars and courses. Scan your attendees QR code name badge for each session as they enter or leave the room or auditorium. All attendance scans are date and time stamped so you can ensure all attendees meet attendance requirements if they arrive late or leave early.
If you have multiple sessions over the course of your conference that’s no problem! Certificates can be setup for each session, or group multiple sessions together to make up a complete course. Course credits can also be assigned to each session and totalled up on your certificates.
Certificates can be branded and created as read only PDF documents with electronic signatures from approving bodies. The certificates can be printed and issues to attendees immediately after each session, or at the end of the conference and emailed to each attendee. Before e-mailing out the final certificates you have a chance to review all certificates and credit allocations and make any adjustments if required.